MR-search: massively parallel heuristic search

作者:Schuett Thorsten; Reinefeld Alexander; Maier Robert
来源:Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE) , 2013, 25(1): 40-54.


MR-Search is a framework for massively parallel heuristic search. Based on the MapReduce paradigm, it efficiently utilizes all available resources: processors, memories, and disks. MR-Search uses OpenMP on shared memory systems, Message Passing Interface on clusters with distributed memory, and a combination of both on clusters with multi-core processors. Large graphs that do not fit into the main memory can be efficiently processed with an out-of-core variant. We implemented two node expansion strategies in MR-Search: breadth-first frontier search and breadth-first iterative deepening A*. With breadth-first frontier search, we computed large and powerful table-driven heuristics, so-called pattern databases that exceed the main memory capacity. These pattern databases were then used to solve random instances of the 24-puzzle with breadth-first iterative deepening A* on systems with up to 4093 processor cores. MR-Search is conceptually simple. It takes care of data partitioning, process scheduling, out-of-core data merging, communication, and synchronization. Application developers benefit from the parallel computational capacity without having the burden of implementing parallel application code.

  • 出版日期2013-1