
Steganography is well known as a method of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the message. This paper presents a new data hiding scheme that uses a steganographic approach that is based on transforming the data to be covertly transmitted into a high-frequency signal, which is then carried by an audible public music signal. The principle is as follows: The secret message is translated into a digital form, which is then transformed into a high-frequency signal. This high-frequency signal, which is above the threshold of human audibility, is integrated into a public music signal, which can be actively downloaded by legal receivers. The receiver will demodulate the high-frequency signal and recover the data. This proposed scheme greatly reduces the risk of exposure of the secret message during transmission. Experimental simulations and comparisons are performed to investigate the practicability of the proposed method and its outperformance of competing data hiding schemes.

  • 出版日期2014-7-20