
A large number of Gram-negative bacteria produce outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). They are liberated from outer membrane and range in size from 50 to 250 nm. OMV contains lipopolysaccharides, outer membrane proteins and phospholipids as well as periplasmic proteins. They are utilized for several processes including delivery of toxins to eukaryotic cells, dissemination and protection of antimicrobial factors, protein and DNA transfer. Membrane vesicles play a role in interspecies as well as inter-kingdom communication. They play a role in trafficking of quorum signals and are a major component in biofilms. Moreover they can contain enzymes important in degradation of extracellular compounds.
1. Introduction. 2. Mechanisms of OMV formation. 3. Role of OMV. 3.1. Transfer of virulence factors. 3.2. Transfer of antimicrobials. 3.3. Antibiotics inactivation. 3.4. Transfer of DNA. 3.5. Degradation of extracellular organic compounds. 3.6. Interactions with metals. 3.7. Membrane vesicles in biofilm. 4. Conclusions

  • 出版日期2010-12