A new strategy for enhancing the thermo-mechanical and chemical stability of dual-phase mixed ionic electronic conductor oxygen membranes

作者:Yun Kyong Sik; Park Jeong Hwan; Kwon Young il; Kim Dong Young; Yoo Chung Yul; Yu Ji Haeng*; Joo Jong Hoon*
来源:Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4(35): 13549-13554.


A mixed ionic electronic conductor (MIEC) membrane with thermo-mechanical and chemical stability has been developed. A fluorite-rich dual-phase composite (80 vol% Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-delta-20 vol% La0.7Sr0.3MnO3-delta) based on the chemically stable pure electronic conductor oxide (LSM) and doped-ceria (GDC) was used as the membrane material. By introducing a thermo-mechanically and chemically stable coating material (Pr2NiO4+delta) to the membranes, this study proposes a new strategy for enhancing the overall stability of the oxygen permeation ceramic membrane. The stability of the dual-phase membrane was assessed in the presence of CO2 at intermediate temperatures, and thermal cycling tests were performed to evaluate its performance under extreme conditions. The dual-phase membrane with Pr2NiO4+delta coating layer not only showed remarkable stability in a pure CO2 atmosphere but also exhibited thermo-mechanical stability during rapid thermal cycling tests (cooling and heating rate: 30 degrees C min(-1)).