
We obtain in a direct and rigorous manner a transition from a stable molecular-hydrogen nH(2) single chain to the quasiatomic two-chain 2nH state. We devise a method composed of an exact diagonalization in the Fock space combined with an ab initio adjustment of the single-particle wave function in the correlated state. In this approach the well-known problem of double counting the interparticle interaction does not arise at all. The transition is strongly discontinuous, and appears even for relatively short chains that are possible to tackle, n = 3-6. The signature of the transition as a function of applied force is a discontinuous change of the equilibrium intramolecular distance. The corresponding change of the Hubbard ratio U/W reflects the Mott-Hubbard transition aspect of atomization. A universal feature of the transition relation to the Mott criterion for the insulator-metal transition is also noted. The role of electron correlations is thus shown to be of fundamental significance in this case. The long-range nature of Coulomb interactions is included.

  • 出版日期2015-10-6