
The tether employed to covalently attach beta-mannan disaccharide glycoconjugates influences the specificity of rabbit antibodies that protect against Candida albicans. Two glycoconjugates containing (1 -> aEuro parts per thousand 2)-beta-mannan disaccharides linked to chicken serum albumin (CSA) either via a structurally uniform or via a stereodiversified spacer were prepared and evaluated in immunization trials in mice and rabbits. Immunization with conjugate vaccine possessing a structurally diversified linker induced higher IgG titers against Candida albicans cell wall phosphomannan than a conjugate with a structurally uniform linker. These results suggest that affinity maturation and the specific antibody response can be shifted towards recognition of the desired hapten by employing a linker with diversified configuration.

  • 出版日期2011-5