Deformed N=8 supergravity from IIA strings and its Chern-Simons duals

作者:Guarino Adolfo*; Jafferis Daniel L; Varela Oscar
来源:Progress of Physics, 2016, 64(4-5): 330-332.


Do electric/magnetic deformations of N = 8 supergravity enjoy a string/M-theory origin, or are they just a four-dimensional artefact? We address this question for the gauging of a group closely related to SO(8): its contraction ISO(7). We argue that the deformed ISO(7) supergravity arises from consistent truncation of massive IIA supergravity on S6, and its electric/magnetic deformation parameter descends directly from the Romans mass. The critical points of the supergravity uplift to AdS(4) massive type IIA vacua and the corresponding CFT3 duals are identified as super-Chern-Simons-matter theories with gauge group SU(N) and level k given also by the Romans mass.
