
Let p > 3 be a prime. Euler numbers Ep-3 first appeared in H. S. Vandiver's work (1940) in connection with the first case of Fermat's Last Theorem. Vandiver proved that if x(p) + y(p) - z(p) has a solution for integers x, y, z with gcd(xyz, p) = 1, then it must be that Ep-3 = 0 (mod p). Numerous combinatorial congruences recently obtained by Z.-W. Sun and Z.-H. Sun involve the Euler numbers Ep-3. This gives a new significance to the primes p for which Ep-3 = 0 (mod p). For the computation of residues of Euler numbers Ep-3 modulo a prime p, we use a congruence which runs significantly faster than other known congruences involving Ep-3. Applying this, congruence, via a computation in Mathematica 8, shows that there are only three primes less than 107 that satisfy the condition Ep-3 = 0 (mod p) (these primes are 149, 241 and 2946901). By using related computational results and statistical considerations similar to those used for Wieferich, Fibonacci-Wieferich and Wolstenholme primes, we conjecture that there are infinitely many primes p such that Ep-3 = 0 (mod p).

  • 出版日期2014-11
