Atomic structure and thermally induced transformation of the crystalline BaO/Si(100) junction

作者:Kuzmin M*; Laukkanen P; Punkkinen M P J; Yasir M; Tuominen M; Dahl J; Lang J J K; Makela J; Kokko K
来源:Physical Review B, 2014, 90(23): 235405.


Atomic structure of interfaces between oxide layers and semiconductors is usually challenging to probe because of its buried nature. Here, we present a synchrotron photoemission approach to unveil the interface structure of BaO/Si(100), a prototype model of crystalline-oxide/semiconductor junctions, and demonstrate that such interface outspreads over four Si atomic planes and contains five different crystal sites for Si atoms, including three Si-O bonding sites. An atomic model is suggested for this system. Heating enhances Si diffusion and oxidation, but the junction still remains crystalline at 500 degrees C, promising potential for integration of III-V films and Si(100).