A network to monitor antimalarial drug resistance: a plan for moving forward

作者:Sibley Carol Hopkins*; Barnes Karen I; Watkins William M; Plowe Christopher V
来源:Trends in Parasitology, 2008, 24(1): 43-48.


The spread of resistance to antimalarial drugs has required changes in the recommended first-line treatment for falciparum malaria in almost all regions. Most drugs recommended currently are combinations of a long-acting antimalarial and an artemisinin derivative. This article presents the rationale for establishing a web-based, open-access database of antimalarial drug resistance and efficacy: the World Antimalarial Resistance Network (WARN). The goal of this network is to assemble the tools and information that will enable the malaria community to collate, analyze and share contemporary information on antimalarial-drug efficacy in all endemic regions so that decisions on antimalarial-drug use are based on solid evidence.