
an evaluation study was conducted to diagnose and to determine the major incidences in preservation and conservation of documentary collection of natural and traditional medicine library of the city of camag邦ey from the supports point of view and of its book stack from the pre-established indicators and variables in available lineaments during september, 2008 to september, 2009 to assess the conservation and preservation conditions of the collection of this library and also to propose actions avoiding the increase of deterioration. authors made an evaluation from the internal and external forces balance (dafo). we used the sampling technique base on selection criterion of use frequency applying a documentary analysis to determine the major affectations in each unit of observation and the use of the nro.1 form for the diagnos program of the cuban institute of history. diagnosis results are showed in tables. the final classification of the conservation of collections was of regular. we conclude t hat the major affectations to documents are produced almost in its totality, due to the poor manipulation and to the deficient conditions of its book stack, not due to presence of epidemic, insects or rodents proposing actions to be developed to favor the care of the library%26apos;s collections.

  • 出版日期2011
