
Nematodes are an important threat to the potato crop in Europe. Global change is likely to worsen the problem. Moreover, governmental policies towards reducing broad-spectrum pesticides stimulate the development of populations of pests that were easily controlled in the past. For some economically important nematodes, alternative strategies have proven to be successful (e.g., Globodera); for other nematodes (e.g., Meloidogyne), that is not the case. New types of nematicides, which are more environmentally friendly, as well as other ways of soil treatment, are currently being developed. Awareness of the importance of farm hygiene and quarantine measures is a key to prevent buildup of damaging populations. Sampling to detect low-density populations followed by immediate integrated control are important elements of a containment strategy However, it must be realized that nematodes are rapidly becoming a global problem due to increased international trade and exchange, as well as an increase in potato production in areas with pathogenic nematodes that were, until now, not common in the traditional potato-growing areas. Resistance breeding and sanitation strategies are crucial to prevent nematodes from becoming an even larger threat.

  • 出版日期2014-12