
We consider one-dimensional asymmetric exclusion processes with a simple attractive interaction, where the distance between consecutive particles is not allowed to exceed a certain limit, and investigate the consequences of this coupling on the transport properties in the presence of random-force type disorder by means of a phenomenological random trap picture. In the phase-separated steady state of the model defined on a finite ring, the properties of the density profile are studied and the exponent governing the decay of the current with the system size in the biased phase is derived. In the case when all consecutive particles are coupled with each other and form a closed string, the current is found to be enhanced compared to the model without coupling, while if groups of consecutive particles form finite strings, the current is reduced. The motion of a semi-infinite string entering an initially empty lattice is also studied. Here, the diffusion of the head of the string is found to be anomalous, and two phases can be distinguished, which are characterized by different functional dependences of the diffusion exponent on the bias. The results obtained are checked by numerical simulation.

  • 出版日期2007-11