
To investigate whether or not the same strain of hepatitis C virus (HCV) can twice re-infect the same chimpanzee, we analyzed nucleic and amino acid sequences in HCV hypervariable region-1 (HVR1). Two chimpanzees were inoculated, three times each, with the same HCV strain during the 1983-1991. After each inoculation, chimpanzees developed acute hepatitis C, and then recovered.
Using sera, HVR1 cloning and antibody to HVR1 major clone measurement were performed.
Clones from the first inoculum were divisible into major and minor types. Clones from the second and third inocula, as well as all post-inoculation sera, were essentially identical to the major type. Titers of antibody to HVR1 major clone were consistently low in pre- and post-inoculation sera.
Both chimpanzees were re-infected twice with the same strain of HCV. The sequences from the second and third infections were similar to the major sequences in the first inoculum.

  • 出版日期2010-2