
Decapod crustacean material collected recently from the lower Callovian (Middle Jurassic) in Maine-et-Loire (north-west France) comprises two new species of prosopid and one new species of tanidromitid crabs, of the genera Nodoprosopon and Tanidromites, respectively. Also represented in this faunule is a probable paguroid anomuran, in the form of isolated chelae here assigned to the genus Orhomalus, as well as appendicular remains of unknown affinity; some of the latter might belong to prosopid crabs. These anomurans and brachyurans co-occur with a diverse benthic fauna in limestones with abundant iron ooids; their main interest lies in the fact that they add valuable data to the rather poor record of Middle Jurassic decapod crustaceans.

  • 出版日期2009-11