
By comparison of calculated imaginary parts of the ordinary and extraordinary dielectric functions of wurtzite semiconductors near the band gap with experimental results, we demonstrate that the interband matrix elements E-P(parallel to) and E-P(perpendicular to) of the momentum operator parallel and perpendicular to the optic axis are different. E-P(parallel to) exceeds E-P(perpendicular to) and their ratio increases along the series CdSe, CdS, ZnO. The u parameters of GaN, InN, and AlN suggest that the E-P(parallel to)/E-P(perpendicular to) ratio should increase along this series as well. We also determined the conduction-band dispersion relation and nonparabolicity, as well as the effective mass, as a function of electron concentration and wave vector for GaN, ZnO, CdS, and CdSe. In addition, optical response due to transitions into exciton-phonon complexes was observed and analyzed. We conclude that up to about ten phonons may participate in such absorption processes in ZnO.

  • 出版日期2008-7