
Variability in tropical cyclone (TC) activity is a matter of direct concern for affected populations. On interannual and longer time scales, variability in TC passage frequency can be associated with total TC frequency over the concerned ocean basin [basinwide frequency (BF)], the spatial distribution of TC genesis in the basin [genesis distribution (GD)], and the preferable track (PT) that can be considered as a function of genesis locations. To facilitate investigation of mechanisms responsible for the variability, the authors propose an approach of decomposing anomalies in the passage frequency into contributions of variability in BF, GD, and PT, which is named the Integration of Statistics on TC Activity by Genesis Location (ISTAGL) analysis. Application of this approach to TC best track data in the western North Pacific (WNP) basin reveals that overall distribution of the passage frequency trends over the 1961-2010 period is mainly due to the PT trends. On decadal time scales, passage frequency variability in midlatitudes is primarily due to PT variability, while the BF and GD also play roles in the subtropics. The authors further discuss decadal variability over the East China Sea in detail. The authors demonstrate that northward shift of the PT for TCs generated around the Philippines Sea and westward shift for TCs generated in the eastern part of the WNP contribute the variability with almost equal degree. The relationships between these PT shifts and anomalies in environmental circulation fields are also discussed.

  • 出版日期2013-2