
Antibodies AB(60-72) and AB(80-92) against two immune-dominant epitopes of photoreceptor Ca2+-binding protein recoverin, 60-DPKAYAQHVFRSF-72 and 80-LDFKEYVIALHMT-92, which can be exposed in a Ca2+-dependent manner, were obtained. The presence of AB(60-72) or AB(80-92) results in a slight increase in Ca2+-affinity of recoverin and does not affect significantly a Ca2+-myristoyl switch mechanism of the protein. However in the presence of AB(60-72) or AB(80-92) recoverin loses its ability to interact with rhodopsin kinase and consequently to perform a function of Ca2+-sensitive inhibitor of rhodopsin phosphorylation in photoreceptor cells.

  • 出版日期2011-3