
In mammals, the matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein (MEPE) is known to activate osteogenesis and mineralization via a particular region called dentonin, and to inhibit mineralization via its ASARM (acidic serine-aspartate rich MEPE-associated motif) peptide that also plays a role in phosphatemia regulation. In order to understand MEPE evolution in mammals, and particularly that of its functional regions, we conducted an evolutionary analysis based on the study of selective pressures. Using 37 mammalian sequences we: (1) confirmed the presence of an additional coding exon in most placentals; (2) highlighted several conserved residues and regions that could have important functions; (3) found that dentonin function was recruited in a placental ancestor; and (4) revealed that ASARM function was present earlier, pushing the recruitment of MEPE deep into amniote origins. Our data indicate that MEPE was involved in various functions (bone and eggshell mineralization) prior to acquiring those currently known in placental mammals.

  • 出版日期2010-1