Asymptotics of capture zone distributions in a fragmentation-based model of submonolayer deposition

作者:Blackman J A; Grinfeld M*; Mulheran P A
来源:Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics , 2015, 379(47-48): 3146-3148.


We consider the asymptotics of the distribution of the capture zones associated with the islands nucleated during submonolayer deposition onto a one-dimensional substrate. We use a convolution of the distribution of inter-island gaps, the asymptotics of which is known for a class of nucleation models, to derive the asymptotics for the capture zones. The results are in broad agreement with published Monte Carlo simulation data (O'Neill et al., 2012) [13].

  • 出版日期2015-12-18