
We report on SAR-OSL dating of closely-spaced samples from the loess-palaeosol sequence near Mostistea lake ( Danube Plain, SE Romania). We used sand-sized quartz and a SAR protocol that involved a preheat of 10s at 220 degrees C and a test dose cutheat to 180 degrees C. It is shown that these thermal pretreatments isolate a quartz OSL signal that is dominated by the fast component. The behaviour of this signal in the SAR protocol is then documented. The ratio of the measured to given dose tends to lie slightly but systematically above unity (similar to 5% on average) and the recycling ratio below unity (similar to 6% on average); for all samples, the recuperated signal is negligible. Within analytical uncertainty, the nineteen optical ages are internally consistent and agree with the predictions from a palaeomagnetic age-depth model. Although it may be possible to optimize the SAR measurement procedure, the optical ages already confirm the chronostratigraphic position of the uppermost well-developed palaeosol in that it formed during MIS 5. The established chronology allows correlating the sequence near Mostistea lake with that near Mircea Voda that we investigated earlier.

  • 出版日期2011-3