
An instrument was developed for semi-continuous measurement of the size-distribution of submicron nitrate, ammonium, sulphate and chloride. Novel in the instrumentation is the size-classification, which is realised with a preseparator that consists of a set of four parallel impactors. The cut-off diameters of the impactors are at 0.18, 0.32, 0.56 and 1.0 mu m. Aerosols smaller than the associated cut-off size pass the respective impactor and arrive in the detector. The manifold with impactors contains two additional lines, one open line and one containing a filter that removes all aerosols. This latter line provides an on-line field-blank. The sample air-flow is automatically switched by wide-bore ball valves to one of the six sampling lines for a period of 20 min; a measuring cycle thus takes 2 h.
Down-stream of the pre-separator the sampling and automated on-line analysis of the transmitted aerosol is accomplished with a "MARGA". In this instrument steam condensation is used to grow the aerosol. The droplets formed are collected in a cyclone that drains to wet-chemical analysis systems. A wet-denuder between pre-separator and collector removes interfering gases, like nitric acid and ammonia. This enables artefact-free and thus representative semi-continuous measurement of the size-distribution of the semi-volatile (ammonium) nitrate.
The novel MARGA-sizer was first used in a 1 week field-test. After rnodifications it was then deployed in a monitoring campaign of 2 months in the summer of 2002, at the top level of the meteo-tower of Cabauw in the centre of the Netherlands. The high location, 200m, was chosen to obtain data on ammonium nitrate that are minimally affected by surface emissions of ammonia. The data coverage over the period was over 60%; failure of the instrumentation was mainly associated with spells of extreme solar heating of the tower and associated high temperatures inside.
The average concentration of nitrate was 2.6 mu g m(-3), which was very similar to the value interpolated from data in the 3 national network. The mass concentration of submicron nitrate was 2.0 mu g m(-3), of which 46% was in particles smaller than 0.32 mu m. To put this in perspective: the concentration of submicron sulphate was similar to that of nitrate, while 53% was in particles smaller than 0.32 mu m. The ion balance showed that the compounds were present as the fully neutralised salts. Quite large diurnal variations were observed for nitrate, with a surprising maximum in the afternoon. The size-distribution of the semi-volatile nitrate was rather constant over a daily cycle.