
Aim. To examine correlations between bile lipid composition and fatty acid composition of blood serum in cholelithiasis patients.
Material and methods. Cholelithiasis prevalence in Khakasia Republic was studied in a clinico-epidemiological trial with participation of 1393 european people and 1060 mongoloid people - khakasians. Bile lipids and serum fatty acids were measured.
Results. Europeans had cholelithiasis in 73916, khakasians - 3.4% (p < 0.001). Total cholesterol in bile of cholelithiasis patients was higher than in healthy subjects (both in europeans and khakasians). Fatty acids content was higher in cholelithiasis patients of both populations.
Conclusion. Cholelithiasis was more prevalent in Europeans because of genetical differences in lipid metabolism. Rise in contents of saturated fatty acids and lowering of the proportion of unsaturated acids in blood is a universal aspect of lipid metabolism disturbance in cholelithiasis patients in genetically different populations.